The M&E platform for development and sustainability

Paths makes it easier to plan, collect and visualise data - so you can track progress, learn and adapt.

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The Problem

Success is based on our ability to learn and adapt. Yet our M&E systems weren't designed for this.

They scatter plans and data, making it hard to monitor progress and hindering collaboration

They struggle to store and make use of qualitative data - so important for learning

They're difficult to change and easy to break - a drag on adaptation

The Solution

Paths is a cloud-based M&E platform guided by international best practice.

Designed for teams who want to balance reporting needs with a desire to learn, adapt and maximise impact.

Create ToCs and plans

Create Theories of Change and monitoring plans using intuitive drag-and-drop tools. You can customise most elements.

Headline feature image - ToC

Collect quality data

Collect and organise quantitative and qualitative data so it can be analysed more easily. Built-in guardrails ensure your data's reliable.

Main feature image - collect

Adapt with ease

Adjust ToCs and monitoring plans quickly and easily, establishing your M&E system as the backbone of project adaptation. Go back and see how projects have evolved overtime.

Main feature image - Adapt

Manage your portfolio

Paths aggregates any data you choose from across projects. You can then explore that data to understand how your portfolio is performing.

Main feature image - reporting

Expert advice throughout

As experienced M&E practitioners, we pride ourselves on offering genuine expertise. Set-up is easy and we'll help migrate your data and train staff. We're then on-hand to advise so you get the most out of your data. There's a learning hub too!

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