About us

Hi, I’m Mark, co-founder at Paths.

The idea that M&E is about 'proving' and 'improving' impact is well-known. In reality however, most teams focus narrowly on the proving bit.

To be clear - demonstrating our impact is essential. We should be accountable for the money we spend. And yet, this leaves so much value on the table.

I've been fortunate to work with teams that have captured that value. They've used M&E to track project progress, identify problems and mitigate risk. They've used it to adjust their approach and to maximise their impact.

But here's the problem. Excel and other general-purpose software weren't designed for this. They scatter our plans and data; undermine data quality; and are difficult to change (more here). These are the problems we aim to solve with Paths.

Thanks so much for reading! Please contact me directly if you would like to know more mark@hellopaths.com.